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- [***][12/22/87][***]
- SCOTTS VALLEY, Ca. (NB) -- Microsoft and Borland have settled out
- of court a trade secrets dispute over a former Microsoft employee
- now working at Borland. Rob Dickerson, the center of the controversy, former senior product manager for language programs
- at Microsoft, joined Borland as vice president of product management
- last month. Microsoft feared he would divulge trade secrets
- to rival Borland International, so sued to keep him off the job.
- The settlement calls for Dickerson to stay away from language
- products and not to disclose any Microsoft trade secrets at Borland
- for nine months. The text of the settlement says Dickerson can
- work on a project called "GOLDA," now underway at Borland.
- But more significantly, the two software producers agreed not to
- hire from each other's ranks for a period of six months.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- RENTON, Wa. (NB) -- Guy Kawasaki didn't get the honorary title of
- guru by being squeamish. His blatant attack on IBM in an interview
- in the December issue of MACINTOSH HORIZONS shows Kawasaki as
- a fighter to the core.
- On IBM vs. Apple: "I think there is a three year gap (IBM is behind
- Apple in the market). Let's say they deliver Presentation Manager
- next year. It takes two more years of hard core evangelizing to
- get software. People can either buy a Macintosh today or wait
- three years and buy the same thing from IBM.....I have infinite
- faith in the Gassee Gang in Apple's product development world.
- They will leapfrog IBM the way Evel Knievel jumps cars. Apple
- has it in the bag for the next three years. They should go for the
- throat, they should try to kill."
- On whether to port 4th Dimension, the new product of his firm
- Acius, to the MS-DOS world: "Port is a four letter word....At
- Acius we drink Taittinger, not port. We are not going to defocus
- ourselves with MS-DOS hallucinations. We'll pick our battle
- where we can win."
- Kawasaki said recently in another interview that he was approached
- by an IBM officer to port 4th Dimension to the OS/2 operating
- system. "I told him his installed base was too small," he said.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- SAN FRANCISCO (NB) -- Look for a wide variety of new products to
- come out of the MacWorld Expo, slated for January 15-17 at the San
- Francisco Moscone Center. Here are a few:
- CONNECT INC. will introduce MacNET, an online Macintosh network
- for business and Macintosh product vendors and developers. It
- will offer electronic mail, stock quotes, and other information
- services at the low price of $8/hour prime time and $4/hour
- in the off-peak hours. The service is described as a next-
- generation AppleLink, Apple's current online network to its
- customers. Connect Inc., interestingly, is a start-up currently
- working inside Apple Computer. The MacNET network will run on
- an IBM 4300 mainframe.
- CHROMALINE, another bird under Apple's wing, is reportedly ready
- to show its first offspring to selected high-level customers -- a
- high-resolution, bit-mapped imaging slide recorder priced
- steeply at between $5,000 and $8,000.
- BARNEYSCAN CORPORATION, Berkeley, Ca., plans to demonstrate
- a reverse-process slide recorder -- a configuration which makes
- slides into bit-mapped computer images. The Barneyscan is
- composed of a scanner, software, and peripheral card for the
- Macintosh II. The product of the scan is said to be a 1000-line,
- high resolution computer graphic image. Price is reportedly
- in the range of $8,700.
- TRUEVISION Inc. of Indianapolis will unveil what's described as
- television-quality video on a Macintosh II. The firm has made a
- Mac II version of its TARGA board for the PC that also has features
- found in its top-of-the-line VISTA board. The board allows a
- Mac II to display up to 16 million colors.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- CUPERTINO, Ca. (NB) -- Apple claims to have sold a quarter of a
- million copies of HyperCard since its release this summer, and
- developers are working at a frenzied pace to put hundreds of
- "stacks" on the market. Apple says there are some 300 "stacks"
- now available and 200 developers are working on more applications.
- The news comes as Apple prepares to release its latest quarterly
- report which is expected to show record earnings and revenues.
- "Sales in both our product families are exceeding our expectations
- due to strong demand in all of our markets," Chairman and CEO
- John Sculley reports.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- LOS GATOS, Ca. (NB) -- When we last left Steve Wozniak, he was
- ending a difficult marriage and shipping his product two-years-in-
- the making, a hand-held, infrared controller called CORE. Wozniak
- has big plans for CORE and expects to sell between 150,000 and
- 175,000 of the units to "gadget freaks" in 1988. But CL9, his firm,
- is again into infrared research and development. CL9 engineers are
- reportedly developing infrared locks for doors and are working
- with lock manufacturers to develop this product. But wait--there's
- more. CL9 is also said to be working with another, unnamed
- company on a "home of the future" project that will probably
- involve a great deal of infrared-activated devices. Let's hope
- these products get out the door faster than CORE did.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- SANTA CLARA, Ca. (NB) -- Sematech, the industry/government
- consortium set up to develop a stronger American technology base,
- has just won the support of a House/Senate committee for a
- grant of $100 million. But before Sematech gets the check, the
- matter must go before Congress and the President. Sematech
- has promised to set up a $250 million/year consortium aimed at
- improving high technology manufacturing techniques. Sematech
- will announce a site for the endeavor early next year.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- HAYWARD, Ca. (NB) -- Citing slow sales and a new emphasis on
- personal door knocking, PacTel InfoSystems has closed 15 of its 24
- retail computer stores in California, Oregon, and Washington State.
- PacTel officers say the firm can save money on real estate costs by
- closing the stores, plus its direct-sales force accounts for most of
- its sales to businesses. Observers were skeptical when the Bell
- company tried to make it in the computer retail market back in
- 1985 and their skepticism seems to have been well-founded.
- The news comes the same week that ComputerLand has announced
- an expansion of its store network. ComputerLand plans to have 1,000
- retail outlets compared to the current 800 by 1992.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- EMERYVILLE, Ca. (NB) -- A new kind of mouse which never needs
- cleaning, and takes up just 6 inches of desk space has been introduced.
- Felix, marketed by Lightgate Inc., uses electro-optical technology
- to communicate with a computer. Company officers say the patented
- system is completely self-contained, far more sensitive than an
- ordinary mouse device, and is perfect for everything from common
- microcomputer use to sophisticated workstation applications.
- The Macintosh version costs $149, the IBM version is $199. Look for
- a big ad campaign to announce Felix soon.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- ATARI, Sunnyvale, Ca., has won a round in a suit filed by Nintendo.
- The Japanese corporation charged Atari was engaging in false and
- misleading advertising in a TV ad which claimed the Atari XE video
- game console was a better buy than the Nintendo home entertainment
- system. A US District Court judge ruled against Nintendo's request
- for a preliminary injunction against the ads.
- BRODERBUND, San Rafael, Ca., get the NEWSBYTES best Christmas card
- from a computer company award by sending cards from the Save the
- Children Foundation. Broderbund made a contribution in the name of
- each recipient of a card. Bravo!
- HERCULES COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY, Berkeley, Ca., has reduced the price
- of its InColor Card by $150 to $349.
- SAINT SILICON, aka Jeffrey Armstrong, is the newest candidate in the
- presidential race. Campaigning for the Technocratic Party, St. Silicon
- promises a completely open government with access to all online
- information, and the world's first computer-literate leader. You
- can purchase a copy of his book, "The Binary Bible," ($14.95) in lieu of
- campaign contributions by writing him at Saint Silicon, 1803 Mission
- Street, #174, Santa Cruz, Ca. 95060 (408) 458-0213.
- SEAGATE TECHNOLOGIES, Scotts Valley, Ca. has purchased Integrated
- Power Semiconductor Ltd. of Scotland, for $7.75 million. The deal
- culminates a long-standing relationship between the hard drive
- maker and the custom chip company.
- SHAREDATA INC., Chandler, Arizona, has just watched a slew of
- managers resign in light of devastating losses. The net fiscal year
- loss for the software company equals its sales -- $4.1 million.
- Sharedata is restructuring. The firm produces such software
- "delights" as games based on the TV programs "Jeapardy" and "Wheel
- of Fortune" as well as the "Pro Staff" series of business software.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- CHICAGO (NB) -- NEWSBYTES SOUTH had the pleasure of talking to
- Marc Canter December 17. Marc's MacroMind Inc. is the creative
- force which brought forth VideoWorks II and new buzzwords like
- "clip animation," a way of automating "desktop presentations"
- which turn business meetings into Bugs Bunny cartoons. The Southside
- Chicago-based company introduced four new art disks for its
- product: Clip Animation, Clip Charts, Clip Sounds, and Clip Movies
- to make using its product even easier. It also set up a production
- house to do animation for heavy users like DuPont and the Pentagon.
- "There's a $50 million animation budget on SDI alone" Marc gushes. In
- January, Canter sits in on a panel about marketing techniques
- at MacWorld in San Francisco with Stewart Alsop, Jeff Tarter, and
- Esther Dyson. In his 20-man staff's spare time he works on
- drivers which could make cartooning a standard feature of
- Macintosh software products; imagine Hypercard with full-motion
- video, for example! (Things like this put the "wow" back in
- computing.)
- CONTACT: Marc Canter, MACROMIND (312)871-0987
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- ORLANDO, FL (NB) -- With all the hoopla over superconductivity
- and new silicon chips, we tend to take fiber optics for granted
- because glass cables only do what older copper cables did -- send
- signals. Yes, it's clear, it's digital, and the phone system is
- all being re-done with it, but to most of us that just means more
- of what we're getting now, maybe cheaper. Which makes what
- "Network World" reported December 14 about the SunTrust Bank so
- interesting. The bank recently installed a 1/4 mile link between
- two buildings for $120,000 instead of building a microwave
- center. The one line can handle 23 T-1 circuits at once, each
- running at 1.54 million bits per second. All the bank's voice and
- data calls combined use just 4 of those 23 channels now, with
- plans to use 4 more lines sorting checks and growing over the
- next 3 years. And even at that, the single line will only be
- half-full.
- CONTACT: Chris Cagle, SUNTRUST SERVICES (305)237-4141
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- ATLANTA (NB) -- Third-party developers will sell add-in cards for
- the Mac II next spring featuring the 68030 chip from Motorola,
- a move they say will make the Mac II a competitive engineering
- workstation for the first time. Novi Systems of Ormond Beach, FL,
- Dove Computer Corp. of Wilmington, NC, and MacPeak Systems Inc.
- of Austin, TX, are all said to be working on the cards, which
- should cost $2,000 each when they start shipping in March. "PC
- Week" claims AST Research, Radius Inc., and TSI Inc. are also
- working on 68030 cards. They estimate 30% of Mac II owners will
- want them.
- Apple, however, won't be among the first players in this new
- market. Chairman John Sculley has warned analysts not to expect
- an Apple product with the new chip until 1989 at the earliest.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- HOUSTON (NB) -- Entertainment Marketing Inc. has decided to shut
- down its home shopping network, the Consumer Discount Network.
- EMI said it lost $2.4 million in 3 months as a company, and the
- network alone lost $3.6 million. The service was carried by 23
- broadcast stations and two cable TV systems seen by 21 million.
- Attempts to sell it were unsuccessful, and the 175 employees will
- go into other EMI operations like Crazy Eddie Inc., a discount
- electronics outfit EMI chairman Elias Zinn picked up recently.
- CONTACT: EMI, (713)995-4433
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- DETROIT (NB) -- The U.S. has 6 supercomputing centers linked to
- 150 universities and research centers, but the telephone system
- linking those centers is horrible. So over $26 million is now
- being invested by government and industry to improve it. The National
- Science Foundation is kicking in $14 million for improvements,
- directed by a Michigan company called Merit Inc. They're also
- taking equipment donations: IBM has kicked in $20 million in
- equipment, MCI has offered $7 million.
- CONTACT: Merit, (313)838-5930
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- MINNEAPOLIS, MN (NB) -- Honeywell Bull, the joint venture between
- Honeywell of the U.S., NEC of Japan, and Bull of France,
- introduced a new line of IBM-compatible micros. The AP-X series
- has prices starting at $2,950, the SP Series has prices starting
- at $5,880. A new line of peripherals, such as monitors and 3 1/2
- inch disk drives, are also part of the package. The company said
- its new systems use designs that make them easy to upgrade. They
- call it a "split-plane" technology, with the main processor on a
- separate board for standard functions like input-output.
- Also, Honeywell Bull sold its small communications systems
- business to TIE Communications Inc. of Shelton, CO.
- CONTACT: Bruce McDonald, Honeywell Bull, (617)671-2517
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- ATLANTA (NB) -- Since this is the last column of 1987, it's
- time to sneak a peek at 1988. I'd like us all to talk a little
- more about the social issues in computing in 1988. Not just
- hacking and computer crime, but the implications of keeping
- information about others on these little machines. Do we need new
- protections against computing abuses? It will be a political
- year, after all.
- I'd also like to clear up the question of cloning once and for
- all. Is it fair game or foul? Is it even legal? IBM has told
- vendors cloners of the full PS/2 are welcome, but warned it will
- still protect all its intellectual property rights. Apple growls
- whenever the subject comes up, although Tandy has long been
- rumored to be working on a Mac clone. (Tandy denies it.) So far
- the cloners (Franklin, SoftKlone) have lost in court but stayed
- in business.
- More wishes. A horizontal Hypertext application, one we'll all
- want and understand. Cheaper desktop publishing, maybe with some
- printer engines Made in the USA. A big American computer export
- boom. Plus an end to the word hacker, the phrase "user friendly,"
- and jargon a normal person can't understand like "386," "MIS
- guy," and WYSIWIG used as a noun.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- TELEX, Tulsa, OK, escaped the clutches of New York arbitrageur
- Asher Edelman and agreed to let Memorex International buy it for
- $62 a share, $900 million in cash and stock. Memorex is the
- creation of New York financier and conservative political
- activist Eli Jacobs, who started it by buying Unisys' tape
- division in December of '86. The combined company will have a
- debt load of $1.3 billion. (Telex had total sales of about $775
- million in 1986.)
- TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, Dallas, unloaded 60% of its oil field computing
- business to Halliburton Co. of Dallas, a big oil field service
- company. It was TI's initial business, in the 1930s, and was
- expected to have $250 million in sales this year. (TI had 1986
- sales of $3.6 billion.) TI recently cut $100 million in costs at
- the unit and Halliburton thinks it can make money with it.
- TANDY, Fort Worth, said November sales were $363.91 million, 8%
- over a year ago. But there's less than meets the eye here. U.S.
- operations recorded a 6% gain, and comparable stores' sales were
- only up 4%.
- DCA, Alpharetta, GA, moved its listing from the NASDAQ to the New
- York Stock Exchange. Its new ticker symbol is DCA.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- COMPAQ is trying to halt gray-market sales of its machines,
- according to "Computer Reseller News." Dealers are happy, but
- Compaq risks a loss in its own sales volume. The company also
- confessed to some incompatibility problems between its new Compaq
- DOS 3.31 and common disk fixers like the Norton Utilities and
- Paul Mace Utilities.
- ZENITH is readying a new ad campaign for laptops with its Flat
- Technology Monitor. Buy the competition, the ads warn, and you'll
- have to "put it where the sun don't shine."
- CORE INTERNATIONAL, Boca Rotan, FL, introduced a magnetic disk
- drive for the PS/2 line with up to 310 megabytes of capacity. It
- can find a piece of data in 1.7 milliseconds.
- CONCEPT TECHNOLOGIES, Panama City Beach, FL, began shipping
- Floppydriver, a $80 utility to speed old floppy disk drives,
- replacing the DOS device driver.
- COMPUTONE SYSTEMS, Norcross, GA, announced a $295 Unix and Xenix
- shell called Compushell; it includes tools to copy files between
- DOS and Unix.
- TDT Group, Miami, is shipping two new X.25 emulation programs for
- the PS/2 Models 50, 60 and 80 which emulate IBM 3270 and 3770, as
- well as Honeywell Bull VIP Terminals.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- ATLANTA (NB) -- Just when you thought it was safe to turn on
- your cable TV, along comes "Computer Magazine," another attempt
- to make computing an interesting, visual experience. Tim List of
- Marietta's Soft Touch Technologies is the host, his brother Tom
- is the producer. It's carried on the Tempo Network of Tulsa, OK,
- and has a magazine format, with quick 5-minute interviews,
- demonstrations, and a short news segment. "The carrier is aimed at
- businesspeople, a potential audience of 14.5 million, who may be able
- to watch a little TV on Saturday," List told NEWSBYTES. The show
- airs Saturdays at 11:30 AM Eastern Time. The first show
- ran December 5, and Soft Touch is committed to producing 52
- episodes. "We keep it newsy, low-tech," Tom adds, claiming other
- shows in the market have a "bits and bytes mentality."
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- TORONTO (NB) -- Epson (Canada) Ltd. has been convicted of nine
- counts of illegal price maintenance on its computer printers and
- fined C$200,000. District Court in Toronto was told that Epson
- told its dealers across Canada not to advertise its printers at
- prices below the manufacturer's suggested retail price, and
- threatened to cut off the dealers' supplies if they defied that
- order. That breaches Canada's antitrust legislation, the
- Combines Investigation Act.
- The fine of C$200,000 is the highest fine ever assessed against a
- company convicted of price fixing in this country, although a
- fine of the same size was levied against Sunoco Inc. in 1986 for
- attempting to fix gasoline prices. Price fixing charges that had
- been laid against two Epson Canada executives were withdrawn.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- MARKHAM, Ont. (NB) -- MAI Canada Ltd. is once again a subsidiary
- of MAI Basic Four of Tustin. Calif. The California firm has
- bought MAI Canada, along with the Basic Four computer maintenance
- business of Sorbus Inc., from Bell Atlantic for a total of $148
- million (U.S.).
- Bell Atlantic acquired MAI Canada and Sorbus in 1985 from
- Managament Assistance Inc. -- the former name of MAI Basic Four -
- - for $203 million (U.S.). MAI Canada, which has 600 employees,
- has continued as the sole distributor of MAI Basic Four computer
- equipment and service in Canada. In this deal, Bell Atlantic
- keeps about of 75 per cent of Sorbus, while MAI takes back only
- the portion of Sorbus assets specifically related to the
- maintenance of MAI Basic Four computer equipment in the U.S.
- The acquisition of MAI Canada and the North American maintenance
- service business is strategically significant to MAI Basic Four,
- William B,. Patton Jr., president and chief executive, said in a
- prepared statement. The deal is expected to be completed in
- early January, pending regulatory approval.
- CONTACT: MAI CANADA INC., (416) 475-6030
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- TORONTO (NB) -- This fall has been kind to ATI Technologies Inc.,
- a manufacturer of graphics boards for IBM and compatible personal
- computers. The latest good news for the company is that its EGA
- Wonder video card has been ranked the top-selling video card by
- Softsel Computer Products, topping the video card category on the
- Softsel Hot List, computer-industry equivalent of the hit parade.
- Just last month, ATI was pleasantly surprised to find that same
- EGA Wonder card named number one video card by PC Magazine.
- CONTACT: ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC., 3761 Victoria Park Ave.,
- Scarborough, Ont. M1W 3S2, (416) 756-0711
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- OTTAWA (NB) -- Bell-Northern Research says it successfully
- completed an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) telephone
- call using Primary Rate Access, the business version of ISDN that
- provides full ISDN features across the entire telephone system.
- The call was made between a central office switch and a private
- branch exchange both made by Northern Telecom, which along with
- sister company Bell Canada owns Bell-Northern Research, Canada's
- largest private-sector research operation.
- Ottawa, Ont., K1Y 4H7, (613) 726-4836
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- -- ACCUGRAPH CORP., the Toronto-based vendor of computer-aided
- design software, has sold 2.1 million class A shares to Kinburn
- Technology Corp. of Ottawa, which was already Accugraph's major
- shareholder, for C$3.99 million.
- -- BELL CANADA ENTERPRISES INC., parent of Northern Telecom, Bell
- Canada and several other companies, will change its official name
- to BCE Inc. effective January 1.
- -- COMTERM INC., Montreal-based terminal manufacturer, lost C$2.9
- million in the nine months ended Oct. 31, compared with C$1.3
- million in the same period of 1986. Revenues rose to C$26.3
- million from C$24.9 million.
- -- DEVELCON ELECTRONICS LTD., Saskatoon-based communications
- equipment maker, lost C$7.8 million on revenues of C$17.2 million
- in the year ended Aug. 31. Last year Develcon lost C$6.5 million
- on C$16.9 million in revenues.
- -- GEAC COMPUTER CORP. of Markham, Ont., announced that its U.S.
- subsidiary, Geac Computers Inc. of California, has acquired Vista
- Financial Systems Inc. of St. Louis and the in-house and field
- engineering group of Citicorp Information Resources Inc.
- -- LANPAR TECHNOLOGIES INC., Markham, Ont., lost C$1.7 million in
- the nine months ended Oct. 31, on revenues of C$30.5 million. In
- the same period last year, Lanpar had a profit of C$127,000 on
- revenues of C$30.7 million. Lanpar distributes and services a
- variety of computer equipment and manufactures terminals.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- I/O magazine reports a Japanese version of Turbo C
- was already developed in July of 1987, but was scrapped before
- release. President Hiroshi Katayama of Southern Pacific, a
- Japanese dealer of Borland International (Ca.,USA) products,
- says his company agreed with Borland to develop a Japanese
- version of Borland's Turbo C, and completed the Japanese library
- in July. But, Borland abruptly told Southern Pacific to stop
- further development of the Japanese version in August. According
- to president Katayama, the reason Borland has changed its
- mind was because it had designs on its own Japanese subsidiary
- and a collaboration with other Japanese firms. So, it is likely
- that the new firm will develop the Japanese version of Turbo C
- from scratch. Meanwhile, Southern Pacific is reportedly
- asking Borland to pay the cost of its program development.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- The Japanese versions of Apple's Macintosh SE and
- II will be released on February 1. Both models have three kinds
- of technical term dictionaries to help provide a powerful
- Japanese word processing capability. They also support five
- kinds of Japanese fonts. The prices will be same as their
- American counterparts. Apple Japan will provide a free upgrade
- service for original SE and II users at its authorized dealer
- shops here in Japan.
- CONTACT: Apple Japan, Akasaka-Twintower Honkan, 2-17-22 Akasaka,
- Minato-ku, Tokyo 107
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Ashton-Tate (USA) has purchased Ashton-Tate Japan
- from Japan SE in Tokyo. In this takeover, the former joint venture
- becomes a 100%-owned subsidiary of Ashton-Tate. Apparently the
- company is trying to beef up marketing capability in Japan.
- The new president of Ashton-Tate Japan is Jim Lewis, who had been
- the manager of the Far East division. So far, no other changes
- have been reported in this newly acquired Japanese subsidiary.
- CONTACT: Ashton-Tate Japan, Sunrise-Aoyama Bldg. 3F, 2-13-2
- Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Alps America, a U.S. subsidiary of Japan's Alps
- Electronics, has signed a $10-million contract with Zenith Corp.
- in the U.S. In the agreement, Alps will supply its nine pin dot
- matrix printers to Zenith. Zenith will bundle Alps' ASP-1000
- printer with Zenith laptop computers, the Z-181 and Z-183, and
- supply them to the Pentagon over the next three years.
- Judging from the enormous size of the printer contract ($242
- million) with Zenith from the Pentagon, Alps is expected to
- receive more printer orders from Zenith in the future. This is
- the second time Alps has received an order from Zenith, a report
- says.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- The rumor mill says that the Interface Group will
- hold a Comdex in Japan in the spring of '88. The NIKKEI PERSONAL
- COMPUTER magazine is so sure of this story, it has published
- specific dates and the site in its latest issue, reporting that
- Comdex Japan will be held on March 1 through 3 at Harumi, Tokyo.
- But, a spokesman from the Interface Group's Japan office flatly
- denies the report. He added, however, that the trade show group
- does hope to resume the show again in the near future.
- CONTACT: Interface Group Japan, Shuwa-Kioicho-TBR Bldg. No.1210,
- 5-7 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- A strange book has gained a popularity in Japan.
- It's the COCOM Compliance Program, written by Toshiba Corp.
- Toshiba originally wrote the book for corporate, in-house use in
- order to prevent recurrence of the COCOM-rule violations
- within its group. However when the book was completed, dozens of
- export firms, who do business with Communist countries, asked
- for copies. So, a subcommittee of the Japanese Ministry of
- International Trade and Industry has published it. The book is
- expected to help exporters understand COCOM rules, which are notorious
- for their vague provisions. The COCOM Compliance Program (53 pages)
- costs only 500 yen or $3.90.
- CONTACT: Tsusho-Sangyo-Chosakai, 2-8-9 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- The Japanese Ministry of Posts and Telecommunica-
- tions has just granted NEC and Network Information Service (both
- in Tokyo) permission to start an international VAN (value
- added network service) business. This is the first time
- private companies have gained this permission since the national
- phone service was deregulated in September '87. NEC and Network
- Information Service have tied up with General Electric (USA) and
- McDonnell Douglas (USA) respectively, and have already started a
- worldwide electronics mail service. The charge will be
- approximately 20% cheaper than the same service provided by
- Japan's international telecom giant KDD.
- Meanwhile, IBM Japan and Japan's domestic telecom giant NTT will
- also set up a venture business for international VAN in January.
- With these kinds of international network services, the number of
- Japanese subscribers for overseas personal computer networks, such as
- the Source and Comp*Se*ve, is expected to increase in the near
- future.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Data General Japan has upgraded its Japanese
- computer, the Data General/One Model 2. The new model includes
- an electro luminescent (EL) display, which consumes less
- electricity than a plasma display. Also, it is thinner and
- lighter. However, the system still weighs 5.2 to 5.5 kg, which
- is quite heavy as a laptop computer. With the release of the
- Japanese EL Model, the price of the current Japanese LCD model
- was cut down by as much as 20 percent. The basic EL Model is
- priced at 448,000 yen or $ 3,500. The LCD Model is priced at
- 358,000 yen or $ 2,797.
- Meanwhile, Data General Japan has developed a fourth generation
- programming language, Japanese STYLE, in cooperation with
- Computer Soft (CSO/Tokyo). Compared with current programming
- languages, such as COBOL, the new language is said to be 3 to 10
- times more productive in the task of software development on super mini-
- computers or workstations. STYLE was originally developed by
- Foothill Research (U.S.A.), and later a Japanese function was
- added by CSO. It is priced between 2 million yen ($15,625) and
- 10 million yen ($78,125).
- CONTACT: Data General Japan, 4-3-13 Toranomon, Minato-ku,
- Tokyo 105
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- According to the Japanese Ministry of International
- Trade and Industry, the production of 256k-bit DRAMs in Japan in
- the second quarter of next year is expected to decrease, while
- the production of 1M DRAMs will increase a great deal. Total
- production of 256K DRAMs will go up by 0.4 percent in the first
- quarter next year, but is expected to shrink to 159.9 million
- units (down 2.6 percent) in the second quarter. Meanwhile, 30.8
- million 1M DRAMs will be produced in the first quarter of '88 (up
- 46 percent) and 43.5 million units in the following quarter (up
- 41 percent), the ministry said.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- <<< SUSHI BYTES >>>
- (Tokushima, Japan) has released a best-selling Japanese word
- processing program and a graphic program for the PS/55, IBM's
- Japanese PS/2 family. The word processing software is called
- Ichitaro, and the latter is called Hanako. They're priced at
- 68,000 yen, or $531 respectively.
- NCR JAPAN'S 32-BIT COMPUTERS -- NCR Japan has released four types
- of upgraded Japanese workstations, including an 80386-based 10MHz
- model. The high-end 80386 model, the NCR9005 2E Model 1303, is
- four times faster in processing information than the 16-bit models.
- The three other models are based on an 80286 MPU. All of the
- models support MS-DOS 3.2.
- has added a rule drawing function to its Japanese VP-Planner,
- which was originally developed by Paperback Software, Inc. in
- California. It can draw 14 kinds of rules and designate six
- different colors. The new version costs 36,000 yen or $281.
- Robert Schrader of AT&T Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) will assume the
- president's post at AT&T Japan in January. Current President
- William J. Moody will go back to AT&T's U.S. headquarters to become
- vice president of sales management.
- OKI'S 32-BIT MPU -- Oki Electronics (Tokyo) has announced it will
- develop a 32-bit microprocessing unit based on the TRON
- architecture. In the past, Oki produced an 8-bit and a 16-bit
- MPU with technical help from Intel (USA). Since Intel won't
- license its 32-bit MPU, Oki has decided to do it alone. Oki's
- 32-bit MPU will be produced in early '89.
- HIGH-SPEED 1M DRAM FROM TOSHIBA -- Toshiba has developed 81 kinds
- of high-speed dynamic RAMs, which include an access time of 70
- nanoseconds. The company will ship sample products in
- January. The price of the fastest model will be 7,000 yen or
- $54.7 each.
- HITACHI OPENS UP VISTAS FOR 64M DRAM -- Hitachi has developed
- a new transistor called an atomic layer doping (ALD) transistor.
- The ALD transistor provides ways to produce 0.2 to 0.3 micron
- structured elements, which realize the production of 64M DRAMs.
- HITACHI TO PRODUCE CHIPS IN U.S. -- Hitachi (Tokyo) has decided
- to beef up the chip production lines at its Dallas plant in the
- U.S. With the expanded production lines, the company will
- produce 256K bit and a 1M bit DRAM. The decision was made
- due to pressing demand for the chips, and because it's cheaper
- to manufacture in the US due to the surging price of the Japanese yen.
- reports Aiwa of Sony will start producing a VHS-based VCR
- next spring. That's bad news for Sony, which started the
- Beta format and is still sticking to it. Because of IWA's
- shift to the VHS format, there's wild speculation among analysts
- that Sony might eventually accept the VHS standard.
- SONY PRODUCES MORE 3.5-INCH FDDs -- Sony will start producing
- more 3.5-inch floppy disk drives (FDD). Sony will increase
- its monthly production volume from current 300,000 to 500,000
- by next April. It seems Sony will keep the top share in the
- 3.5-inch FDD production.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- that Commodore is working on a laptop computer system which will
- be built in the Far East, and will be designed in Braunscweig,
- Germany. Commodore is planning a laptop with a 80286-based
- CPU that runs at either 10 or 12 MHz and has 1MB of RAM, one
- floppy and one hard disk, all in a battery-powered device that
- uses CMOS chips exclusively.
- The system is slated to be available in the third quarter of 1988.
- If this system indeed is released on such a date, you know
- where you have heard it first!
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- LA HULPE, BELGIUM (NB) -- At its opulent Thomas Watson European
- Education Center, IBM finally announced new products for
- the PS/2 model 80 and confirmed the existence of an OS/3, to be
- designed and be available only for 80386-based micros such as
- the PS/2 model 80.
- The standard edition of OS/2 is to be available in Europe
- in January 1988 and will be followed by version 1.1 in November
- 1988. An enhanced edition is to be available as version 1.0
- in August 1988, followed by version 1.1 in December 1988.
- Presentation Manager, Database Manager and Communications
- Manager are all to be part of the final product, version 1.1,
- available at the end of 1988.
- Other products include the IBM 3270 Workstation program, IBM
- GDDM PC Link program, IBM PC LAN program and IBM OS/2 LAN
- Server, all to be available by the end of 1988.
- PS/2-80
- -------
- For the PS/2 model 80, which uses the 80386 microprocessor, IBM
- announced the availability of AIX, the IBM UNIX operating system
- also available for the RT/PC (known in Europe as the 6150). AIX
- Operating System, AIX Operating System Extension, AIX DOS Merge
- (enables DOS applications to run under AIX and was written by
- Locus Computing of Sunnyvale, Ca.), AIX Usability services,
- AIX Text Formatting System, X Windows and various other languages
- were also announced during the press conference.
- Regarding the future of the 6150, an IBM spokesman said, "Well,
- currently they're a niche, mainly the graphics applications
- which are covered very well with the 6150, but it would be wise
- to think that this may change next year." IBM's argument in
- favor of the 6150 is the system's high performance, but such
- performance is easily duplicated by the 20MHz 386 model 80.
- Analysts suggest that the 6150 will end up as one of
- those great inventions that just did not work in the real
- world.
- OS/3
- -----
- IBM also confirmed that since OS/2 only supports a maximum of
- 16MB of RAM, the advantages of the 386 microprocessor are not used.
- Thus, there will be another operating system, called OS/3 (as
- reported by NEWSBYTES a few weeks ago) which will be specifically
- written for the 386. The release date for OS/3, NEWSBYTES has
- learned, is to be the latter half of 1988.
- IBM also spent the day talking about OS/2 and PS/2, almost
- are interchangeable, which makes one wonder whether the model 30
- has been mislabeled. In addition, no decision has been made
- about the model 25 for Europe.
- And finally, IBM told the press that the PS/2 series project
- started in 1982 and went through many re-design stages, including
- the last one which resulted in the Micro Channel Architecture (MCA).
- There were numerous internal squabbles within IBM. There were
- those that preferred to continue the IBM PC bus as it is or with
- minimal changes (such as those announced by AST), and those that
- wanted a completely new design.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- FRANKFURT, WEST GERMANY (NB) -- AEG, one of the largest
- industrial concerns in West Germany, has announced the creation of
- AEG-Olympia, a company that will sell typewriters, office
- computers and related products. AEG-Olympia will comprise AEG
- Olympia Systems and AEG Olympia. The first will concentrate on
- the data processing sector while the latter will comprise the
- telecommunications sector.
- About 10,000 employees will be allocated to the Olympia
- concern and sales are expected to reach about DM 1.5 billion
- (about $1 billion). AEG Olympia will commence operations on
- January 1, 1988.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- BRUSSELS, BELGIUM (NB) -- Antex Electronics, the Gardena,
- California-based maker of electronic sound boards, has announced
- the availability of two of products, the VP620E and the
- VP600, for the European market.
- The VP620E records and plays back digital sound with a 20Hz to
- 7KHz band width fidelity. A 29MB hard disk can store up to one
- hour of sound. The VP600 is a half-size board that offers 80
- minutes of sound with 10MB of storage at lower quality than
- the VP620E.
- CONTACT: Maggie Sheridan, Export Manager, Antex Electronics,
- 16100 S. Figueroa St., Gardena CA 90248, 213/532-3092
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- BOSTON (NB) -- Sued by Lotus Development Corp. of Cambridge,
- Mass. for allegedly offering to sell trade secrets to competitor
- Microsoft, Boston advertising agency Rossin Greenberg Seronick &
- Hill plans to file a countersuit charging Lotus with damaging its
- reputation. Rossin Greenberg spokeswoman Chris Goddard told
- NEWSBYTES that the suit will ask for "several million dollars" in
- damages. The tiff began when Lotus filed suit in state court
- alleging that Rossin Greenberg sent a letter to Microsoft
- offering Lotus trade secrets in a bid to win the lucrative
- Microsoft account. Lotus said the Rossin Greenberg letter claimed
- "the reason we know so much about Lotus is that some of our
- newest employees spent the past year and a half working on the
- Lotus business at another agency." Microsoft declined the honor
- of hiring the firm and turned the letter over to Lotus.
- Rossin Greenberg President Neal Hill denied the charges at a
- Boston press conference. "Rather than pick up the phone -- and
- they would have found out immediately there is no issue here --
- [Lotus] decided to conduct war by press release," Hill said.
- James O'Donnell of Lotus says his company had an "obligation to
- its stockholders" to sue Rossin Greenberg.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- WASHINGTON (NB) -- The Reagan administration is working on
- legislation that would bump federal Judge Harold Greene from
- overseeing the regional Bell operating companies. Administration
- officials from the White House, the Justice Department, and the
- Commerce Department have met with officials of the Baby Bells to
- discuss legislation, according to Washington sources. The leading
- figure behind the administration effort is said to be Alfred
- Sikes, head of the Commerce Department's National
- Telecommunications and Information Administration and a frequent
- critic of Greene. The trust of the proposed legislation would be
- to shift jurisdiction from the court, where Greene has been
- overseeing the AT&T breakup since 1984, to the FCC. The Baby
- Bells would be allowed to get into information services and
- manufacturing, areas where Greene has barred their entry.
- Even if the administration can agree on a legislative package,
- selling it in Congress will not be easy. The measure will be
- controversial, and will have to pass through the House Energy and
- Commerce Committee, where the powerful and partisan Chairman John
- Dingell (D-Mich.) might use the legislation to hammer the
- Republicans. Also, next year is an election year, which always
- clouds the legislative process.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- RANDOLPH, Mass. (NB) -- A $50 million printer order could usher
- in a new printer technology. Unisys placed the order with Delphax
- Corp., a joint venture of Xerox Corp. and Dennison Manufacturing
- Co. which has been selling ion deposition printers in dribs and
- drabs for about four years. The ion deposition technology
- promises to rival laser printers for some applications, and could
- easily work its way down to the micro market from the
- mainframes in short order. The technology shoots negatively
- charged ions onto an anodized aluminum roller, which attracts
- magnetic toner to the charged areas. The roller then crushes the
- toner into the paper. The technology offers high-speed and
- reliability, with a shorter paper path and a third the moving
- parts of a laser printer.
- Unisys will buy the printers from Delphax and add software and
- packaging. Then Unisys will resell them as the Unisys B9275, at
- (gulp!) $82,000 each. Why would anyone pay that price? How about
- high-quality printing on standard sheets of copier paper (no
- more fanfolds and tractors) at 75 pages a minute. Watch for this
- technology to start migrating downward.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- ROCKVILLE, Md. (NB) -- MBI Business Centers, once one of the
- highest fliers in the retail computer trade, has asked the U.S.
- bankruptcy court to change its status from Chapter 11
- reorganization to Chapter 7 liquidation. The company cited third
- quarter losses of $3.6 million. The final blow to MBI: the
- decision by the General Services Administration to cancel MBI's
- contract to run three computer stores for federal agencies. The
- contract accounted for 13 percent of the company's revenue din
- the second quarter. It is likely that MBI's assets will be sold
- at auction in the new year, and the proceeds used to settle with
- creditors.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- WASHINGTON (NB) -- The Public Health Foundation has created AIDS-
- Net, designed to link public health officials at the federal,
- state and local levels with the latest in AIDS information. The
- bulletin board operates under the Dialcom online messaging
- system. "The network's electronic mail and bulletin board
- services allow members to exchange information and messages at
- the touch of a button," said a health foundation spokesman.
- CONTACT: The Public Health Foundation, 1220 L St. NW, Suite 350,
- Washington DC 20005, 202 898-5600.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (NB) -- Funk Software Inc., the folks who
- brought us sideways printing of spreadsheets, have a bucket of
- new goodies for 1-2-3 users, called The Worksheet Utilities
- ($99.95). The program offers a multi-line formula editor, a file
- manager that can describe and catalog files, a printer utility,
- an auto-save tool, and a add-on that will set the width of a
- range of columns globally.
- CONTACT: Funk Software, 222 Third St., Cambridge, MA, 02142, 617
- 497-6339.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- LOWELL, Mass. (NB) -- Wang Laboratories had announced
- InterOffice, software that allows Wang users to exchange
- electronic mail and documents with Digital Equipment Corp.'s VAX
- users. The software written for Wang by The Boston Software
- Works, Inc., will also allow VAX users to exchange information
- with IBM's PROFSS and DISSOS users. Prices for the Wang software
- will run from $6,500 to $24,500.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- PORTLAND, Me. (NB) -- Bright Ideas Inc. is offering two new
- stackware products for Apple's HyperCard database. Hyper
- Christmas Card has a variety of displays, sounds, stories, and
- carols for the holiday season. It's $29.95. Hyper Chef is a
- stackware cookbook center on New England recipes (how about the
- South of France, guys?). Tell Hyper Chef what you have in the way
- of food in the pantry and fridge and Hyper Chef will tell you
- what recipes you can make. It will also print grocery lists.
- CONTACT: Bright Ideas, Inc., 52 Exeter Street, Portland ME 04102,
- 207 775-1330.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- COMMODORE BUSINESS MACHINES of West Chester, Pa., will make
- repairs on the 1581 disk drives made during early production
- runs. Repairs made at authorized service centers will be treated
- as warranty work, even if the warranty has expired. Commodore
- says that between 500 and 2,000 drives have problems.
- INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP. has reorganized the former
- ROLM systems marketing division, customer support division and
- national operations division into its Information Systems Group
- in Rye Brook, N.Y. The move is intended to put IBM loyalists into
- control of ROLM, Big Blue's entry into the telephone wars.
- DATA GENERAL CORP. of Westboro, Mass., has lined up a three-year,
- $30 million revolving credit deal with Shawmut Bank N.A. of
- Boston. Earlier, DG lined up a $200 million line of credit with a
- group of international banks.
- IMS AMERICA of Plymouth Meeting, Pa., says 3.5-inch disks have
- take the lead in dollar volume sales in retail stores at 56
- percent, while the 5.25-inch floppies still dominate in units
- sold with 59 percent. The market research firm says the venerable
- 8-inch disks have almost vanished from the market, recording .6
- percent of dollar sales and .5 percent of unit sales.
- GERBER SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT CO. of South Windsor, Conn., has
- bought out Cambridge Robotic Systems of Watertown, Mass.
- Cambridge Robotic makes automatic optical inspection systems for
- printed wiring devices which can be integrated with Gerber's
- line of CAD/CAM products.
- LOTUS DEVELOPMENT CORP. has opened its Australian subsidiary,
- Lotus Development Pty. Ltd., with new offices in Sydney. The
- offices will be the headquarters for Lotus sales efforts in
- Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia.
- STAR MOUNTAIN INC. of Alexandria, which will apply high-tech
- systems to the management decision-making process.
- HALBRECHT ASSOCIATES, an executive headhunting firm from
- Stamford, Conn., says senior-level information systems executives
- will continue to be in demand in 1988. "Most major companies have
- a relentless need for senior people in information systems and
- emerging technologies," says President Herb Halbrecht.
- GCA CORP. of Andover, Mass., a maker of semiconductor
- manufacturing equipment, has issued $20 million in notes that can
- be converted to stock, alleviating a cash crunch. The company
- appears to have stepped back from the brink of extinction since
- orders have picked up.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer,
- Had a very binary nose.
- And if you've never seen it,
- On-and-off is how it goes.
- All of the other reindeer,
- Used to laugh and call him "Nerd,"
- They never let poor Rudolph
- Frolic with the reindeer herd.
- Then one dark and stormy night,
- Santa came to say:
- "The mainframe's down again, old pal.
- I've got bills to pay."
- Rudy put his nose in action,
- Flashing out the ones and os,
- Sorting the bills and vouchers,
- Impressing even reindeer does.
- Oh, how the reindeer loved him,
- As they passed down the word:
- "Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer,
- you're not a reindeer nerd."
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- Cherry Hinton, Cambridge (NB) -- As suddenly as Brian Long left
- the post of managing directorship of Acorn last October, the
- company has appointed a successor - Harvey Coleman. The 48-year-
- old is currently head of marketing strategy at Olivetti, Acorn's
- parent company.
- Coleman, whose hobbies include sport and bridge, inherits one of
- the industry's toughest jobs. Long's departure is said to have
- been due to his decision to cut #100 off the price of the
- Archimedes, Acorn's Risc-based PC. Press sources cattily remark
- that Long's successor will be someone who does as he is told.
- Time will tell whether Coleman lives up to this prediction.
- CONTACT: ACORN COMPUTERS, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge.
- Tel: 0223-245200
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- Edgbaston, Birmingham (NB) -- In one of the month's best-kept
- secrets, Apricot Computers has announced a five-year strategic
- partnership with Sequent Computer Systems in the US, and Sequent
- Systems in Europe.
- The partnership allows Apricot to produce and market Sequent
- products in the UK, with reciprocal deals for Apricot kit in
- Sequent's home countries. The agreement initially covers three
- Sequent systems, all based on the 80386 microprocessor running
- from 6 to more than 100 MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second).
- Roger Foster, Apricot's group chief executive, sees the deal as a
- key development for both countries. "Apricot is now unique in
- being able to demonstrate that it's really feasible to offer one
- consistent architecture from a PC through to a 100 MIPS
- departmental computer system - and do so with staggering levels
- of price performance," he said.
- The new machines will be assembled at Apricot's existing plant at
- Glenrothes, Fife, in Scotland. Don't go throwing your old PC out
- just yet though - The Apricot/Sequent parallel processing
- machines start at #40,000 rising to #100,000 for a full-blown
- system.
- CONTACT: APRICOT COMPUTERS PLC, Apricot House, 111 Hagley Road,
- Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8LB. Tel: 021-456-1234.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- Slough, Berkshire (NB) -- Confounding the sceptics, Atari UK is
- about to launch a major offensive into the desktop publishing
- (dtp) market. Starting January 4, several dtp systems centering
- around the SLM804 laser printer, 2 and 4Mb Mega STs, and desktop
- publishing software will be launched in the UK.
- Initially, there will be at least four systems. Entry-level to
- the Atari dtp world will be via a #2,400 package consisting of a
- 2Mb Mega ST, SLM804 and Atari's proprietary Deskset dtp software.
- Further systems, with a 4Mb Mega and/or high-end dtp software
- will become available later in January.
- "The #2,400 system is obviously a beginner's system," Bob
- Gleadow, Atari UK MD, told NEWSBYTES UK. "We're working on
- producing a number of dtp systems to satisfy all levels of
- user... Flexibility is the keyword here," he added.
- Gleadow went on to explain that to ease Atari dealers into the
- dtp field, the company is planning comprehensive dealer training
- as part of its dealer service. "That way, the dealers will be
- able to service user's queries and problems directly," he
- explained.
- CONTACT: ATARI UK Limited, Atari House, Railway Terrace, Slough,
- Berkshire, SL2 5BZ. Tel: 0753-33344.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- Guildford, Surrey (NB) -- Cix, the Compulink Information eXchange
- bulletin board system, has reached the 1,000 member mark, a
- milestone in the system's lifetime. Several other enhancements
- are planned for the coming months, including a move to Surrey,
- when the number of lines available will expand from 8 to 15. And
- London subscribers will have a local number to dial in order
- to reach the service.
- Perhaps the most exciting news is that Cix is to become the first
- public online system to be connected to the Mercury Packet Data
- System (MPDS). MPDS functions the same as British Telecom's PSS,
- except it's more user-friendly and cheaper, according to Cix
- founder Frank Thornley.
- "We considered PSS for some time, but opted for MPDS as it's got
- better national coverage and is committed to high-speed, error-
- checked modems," he told NEWSBYTES UK. "We should be hooked up
- sometime in January, when MPDS local call access to Cix will be
- available to subscribers over most of the UK.
- Guildford. GU1 4RD. Tel: Voice - 0483 65895.
- Data - 0483-573337.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- Malvern, Worcestershire (NB) -- After several years producing a
- variety of communications equipment, ranging from modems through
- to complex data broadcast kit, Tandata Communications has
- released its first low-cost viewdata host for the PC.
- Tanstar provides most of the facilities seen on Prestel, BT's
- viewdata system, but at a fraction of the cost. The system runs
- on a PC with 10Mb hard disc and allows four modems or terminals
- to be interfaced to single multiplexor cards which slot into the
- PC's expansion ports.
- System configurations start at under #5,000, which includes
- hardware, making for one of the lowest cost multiple-user
- viewdata systems on the market today.
- Worcestershire, WR14 2TL. Tel: 0684-892421.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- + BRITBYTES - Bytes of news from around the UK... +
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- AMSTRAD is reported to be working on a very low-cost networking
- system for release early in the new year. Pricing is expected to
- be well under #100.
- GENERAL ELECTRIC is considering selling its UK semiconductor
- plant to PLESSEY. The revelation comes only weeks after a
- similar deal was struck by Plessey for Ferranti's chip
- manufacturing business. If the GE/Plessey deal goes ahead, then
- Plessey will become the UK's largest chip producer with a book
- value of #160m.
- MASTER SYSTEMS of Camberley has released MASTER KEY, an RS232-
- linked unit which encrypts data at up to 128 Kilobaud in real
- time. The #975 unit sits between a PC and a modem and functions
- automatically.
- The NATIONAL COMPUTING CENTRE (061-228-6333) is holding a one day
- seminar in London on 27 January entitled 'Computer Related
- Fraud.' The event costs #165 per person.
- PRECISION SOFTWARE, Worcester Park, Surrey, has launched
- SUPERBASE PROFESSIONAL for the Atari ST and Commodore Amiga
- computers. A version of the #249-95 relational database package
- will be released in January next year.
- SOFTSEL of Brentford has launched the Video Seven Vega VGA card
- in the UK. The #299 PC card enhances graphics to the IBM PS/2
- VGA standard, as well as supporting CGA, EGA, Hercules and
- Monochrome graphics standards.
- TELECOM GOLD, the London-based Dialcom affiliate has made a
- number of enhancements to its systems. City financial analysts
- can now access Forexia currency prophet newsletters on the
- service, whilst the Times Network subset of Telecom Gold has
- launched the Sportnet database.
- VICTOR has booked the London Cafe Royale for the 14th January.
- Informed sources say that the company is planning to launch a new
- range of micros on that date.
- [***][12/22/87][***]
- In common with other publications, NEWSBYTES UK will be taking a
- break next week. Our next issue will be dated the 5th of
- January. May I join, with my co-bureau chiefs and editor, in
- wishing you - wherever in the world you are - a Happy Christmas
- and a very prosperous New Year. Have a happy one, and see in
- '88!
- ====